How does the virtual trivia event work?
All registrants will be sent a Zoom link prior to the event where they will be admitted to the online event. Please ensure you have a mobile device available as you will be using this to submit your answers (instructions will be given at the beginning of the event on how to set up this function).
How do the teams work?
Teams of 2-10 people will compete in 1 hour of trivia. You can also register as an individual and you will be placed on a team.
Do I have to register online?
Registering online is more efficient and convenient for participants. If you prefer to register by phone, please call 204-943-6622 and registration and payment information can be taken at that time.
Do I have to raise money to participate?
When you fundraise, you help ensure that Manitobans living with dementia will always have programs and services available to them.
Does everyone have to register to my team, or can I just register as the team captain?
All team members must register and pay the $10 registration fee.
What methods of payment can people use who want to sponsor me?
You can collect pledges either online, or in person by clicking here to download a pledge form.
What should I do with the money and cheques that I collect?
We recommend sending in a personal cheque for the total value of the cash and cheques you have collected from your supporters. Please mail cheques to: Alzheimer Society of Manitoba 10-120 Donald St Winnipeg, MB R3C 4G2 .
Will my sponsors receive a tax receipt?
Yes! If they made a donation of $15 or more, they will receive a tax receipt. If they donated online, they will receive an automatically generated e-receipt. If they made a donation by cash or cheque, you will receive a paper tax receipt from the Alzheimer Society of Manitoba after Trivia Challenge within a few weeks.
Will I receive a tax receipt if I sponsor myself?
Yes! If you made a donation online, you will receive an automatically generated e-receipt. If you made a donation by cash or cheque, you will receive a tax receipt from the Alzheimer Society of Manitoba after the Trivia Challenge is over. Tax receipts will be issued for donations of $15 or more.
How will the money I raise be used?
The pledges you raise go towards the program and services offered by the Alzheimer Society of Manitoba, as well as, to the continual search for a cure.