Anything for Alzheimer’s is your one-stop, DIY fundraising hub.
You have decided to host your own fundraising event, signed up as a host and received approval from an Alzheimer Society staff member - now, all that's left is promoting and asking others to donate to your event!
Here are some tools and tips to get you started and make
your event a success.
Tools & Tips
1) Plan Your Event
Ask yourself the followuing questions:
- When will it be?
- Who do you want to attend?
- How will you promote your event?
- How will you collect donations?
- What support do you need from us?
2) Maximize Your Event
Choose a day and time when people are gathering and create a theme for your Anything for Alzheimer's® event. If
you're having a garage sale, have friends take home an item in exchange
for a donation. Hold a silent auction to raise even more money!
3) Involve Your Friends
Ask them to volunteer for your Anything for Alzheimer's® event.
4) Get Businesses Involved
Ask a local restaurant or business to sponsor, donate a prize or help promote your Anything for Alzheimer's® event.
5) Ask, ask, ask!
Ask friends and co-workers to save their spare change and bring it to your Anything for Alzheimer's® event.
6) Utilize Social Media
Announce your participation in the Anything for Alzheimer's® on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and include a link to your participant page. Share your goal and keep everyone posted on how you are doing and how far you need to go to reach your goal. Spread the word!
7) Have Your Donation Form Ready
Have a donation form available to collect money at your event, and even bring it around to family functions or friend gatherings leading up to the event!
8) Tax Receipts, Who Gets Them?
Not sure about tax receipt eligibility? Check out the FAQs.
Make sure to check out the FAQs for more information that could help you plan your event.